Ways To Give
christian stewardship is our response of gratitude and thanksgiving to god’s limitless blessings and boundless love by offering him through his church our time, talents, and treasure in proportion to what we have been given.
Stewardship Pledge Donations
Please make sure you have filled out a Pledge Form for this calendar year prior to making an offering.
One-Time Donations
As we count our blessings and evaluate our priorities, please help us reach our goal by donating to the needs of our Church with a kind and generous heart. Donate here.
A Legacy of Love
As Orthodox Christians, each of us bears a joyful responsibility to be the best stewards possible of the gifts God has given us. This means that we must care for our families and see to their needs. It also means that we must do our part to support the important work of the church. This ought to be an important spiritual priority for all Orthodox Christians.
But have you ever stopped to think about what happens to the church when we fall asleep in the Lord? Will the place we occupy as stewards of God’s church simply stand vacant? As lovers of Christ and His church, one of the best things we can do to prevent this is to remember the church in our final wishes and estate planning. There are many ways to do this, and the information in this area of our website is intentionally general in nature and meant to suggest different possibilities to you. We encourage you to begin this conversation with our clergy, your own professional financial planner, and your family. This will ensure that your wishes and decisions are well understood and the necessary documents drawn up long before they are needed.
We wish you all good health and long life and thank you for remembering the work of the church in your estate planning. May the Lord grant you the reward!
Ways to Leave a Legacy to Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church
1. Bequest in a Will: While providing for your beneficiaries in your will, you can include a charitable gift for a specific amount, a percentage, or the remainder of your estate.
2. Life Insurance Policy: You can turn a life insurance policy into charitable support. By naming Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church as the owner or beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy, you can make a significant gift.
3. Retirement Accounts: Naming Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church as the beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), Keogh, 403(b) or other qualified retirement plan can provide greater tax benefits to your heirs while maximizing the impact to Orthodoxy.
4. Savings and Investment Accounts: Naming Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church a beneficiary of your savings and investment account is an easy way to leave a legacy.
5. Gift in a Trust: Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church can be designated as a beneficiary of a revocable or irrevocable trust.
6. Charitable Remainder Trust: Cash, marketable securities or real estate may be placed into a charitable remainder trust. A Charitable Remainder Trust is a way to make a gift that allows you to retain income from your property for life or for another period of time that you specify.
7. Charitable Lead Trust: Provide a substantial gift over a period of years while ensuring that the property will ultimately return to the donor or to loved ones. The lead trust is one of the few ways to reduce or eliminate taxes that otherwise would be due on assets left to children or grandchildren.
8. Real Estate: You may donate residential, commercial, or undeveloped property.
9. Securities: Giving long-term appreciated securities saves capital gains tax and may serve you better than giving cash. The donor of stock donation receives a tax deduction for the stock’s fair market value.